Thursday, March 24, 2011

Throw Back Thursday: 3

Top 5 Disney Channel Movies of all Time
Team Pup and Suds over Team X Blades all day.

2. Johnny Tsunami
This movie was so bad ass. It made me want to snowboard and wear that ridiculous hat with a bunch of cloth cords coming out of the top that you had to earn by nailing a big air so bad. Sadly I ski.

3. My Date With The Presidents Daughter

Too bad no president in my time has had a smoke show daughter who I could stalk down and ask to a school dance.

4. Airborne
Another classic movie that made me wish I could throw down on inline skates and play hockey. Too bad as a kid I was a fat pussy.
5. Smart House
Come on, who wouldn't want to live in a ballin house like this were your house makes your food, cleans up after you, wakes you up, and talks to you.

Going with the disney theme from above this song was featured in Johnny Tsunami.
Too bad Blink 182 got all gay and broke up, then got back together and put out shit music. They will still remain one of my favorite bands of all time.
With a young Lil Wayne holding this track down with his Daddy Birdman, this song still embodies the idea of what it means to ball and throw paper around.
TV Shows:
As a kid watching this show, could you have even imagined that it would have sky rocketed Shia Labeouf to the actor he is today?
Room Raiders was a perfect way to waste away a lazy Saturday morning and afternoon as a high school kid. The highlight of the episode would always come when the girl searching the room would find the guys nudie mags stashed under his mattress or in his closet (bad style), which probably gave a boost to more internet porn and history erases as opposed to Playboys and Hustlers in the hopes that one day a van with Room Raiders printed on the side would roll up and kidnap you and you wouldn't look like a perve on National Television.

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